Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The outline of "Styles of Popular Music"(correct)

Thesis Statement: Three of the more successful are reggae, punk, and rap.
A.One successful style of popular music is reggae.
1.Born on the Caribbean island of Jamaica in the 1960s.
a.Spread throughtout the world in the 1970s.
2.Develpoed from mento.
a.Some musicians changed mento into a music style called ska by adding a
hestation beat.
b.A few years later、other musictions changed ska、and reggae was born.
3.Reggae's special sound comes from reversing the roles of the instruments.
a.Guitar plays rhythm and bass plays melody.
4.An important influence on reggae music was the Rastafarian cult.
a.Unusual sound mixes
b.Extra-slow tempos
c.Strange lyrics
d.Mystical-political themes
5.Bob Marley-best known reggae musician

I will finish it in these days.

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